Monday, January 18, 2010

Astrological new year begins, Mercury moves forward

I feel that the New Year has officially begun, now the Mercury is moving forward. We have had a recent pair of eclipse to push us forward deeper into growth and healing, and Jupiter's movement into Pisces, opening up a one-year window of opportunity and expansion. I wanted to comment for a moment on the astrological weather for the coming year, as there are a few dates and guideposts worth mentioning.

We have a somewhat Cardinal year ahead, the planets forming an alignment in this modality, known to herald new beginnings. If you were to look at an astrology chart, the planets would be falling into a cross-like shape - that's the best I can describe it without graphics! Pluto will be in Capricorn for many years to come, creating change and deep cleansing in the structures of our government and our schools. It is joined by the North Node of the moon, connected to what our soul brings in to do here in this life. Add to that a few eclipses in this sign, and it is very potent!

The next Cardinal sign featured is Cancer, home of the eclipse activity for 2009-2010, as well as the current placement of the South node of the moon, connected to your soul's work here in this life. Is this beginning to sound rather karmic? During the month of June/July, the sun and inner planets will join in Cancer as well.

The third Cardinal sign featured is Libra, where Saturn has moved from October 2009-November 2011. This brings an energy or need to give back to others in your immediate environment, to bloom where you are planted, to be aware of your social connections. Libra is the sign of the networker.

Finally, to close the deal, in May Uranus slips into Aries, a Cardinal sign associated with new beginnings, pioneer energy, the fire to get things done. It will be joined, briefly, by a visit from Jupiter (all about expansion) for the summer months.

Astrologers have long talked about something called the 0 point of the Cardinal signs as being pivotal. This year we see this in all four cardinal signs. I feel tremendous opportunities to serve, grow, connect, and feel a connection to Happiness. There may be some around us who need our help; if we have received anything of value in this life, it is our turn to give back.

I will write more on this in the coming year; of particular intrigue to me is the month of August. I am still trying to read out the guideposts offered from the planetary lineup of that month. I feel that meditation, prayer, reaching out, and creative visualization will be very powerful during that time, and, as said before, we may be asked to give back to others from the gifts that we have. May we do so happily and with our own cups already spilling over with love, gratitude, wisdom, and prosperity.

For those who may have interest, I am offering a public talk on the planetary lineup of 2010 on Sunday January 24, 1:00pm at the Hands of Grace massage space in Pennington, NJ. Feel welcome to email me if you are interested in attending Many blessings to you in this wondrous and very unique year!



Sunday, January 17, 2010

Jupiter transits Pisces

Today the planet Jupiter moves into the sign of Pisces, where it will remain for about one year. This represents a brand new, 12 year cycle of abundance and opportunity. Pisceans will get the greatest blessings from this transit, which occurs in their sign. Jupiter is the largest planet that we officially notice; it's all about expansion, opportunity, abundance, and increase. Jupiter is so large, that back in the day, when a comet that was about the size of earth hit it, there was barely a dent made in that huge planet. Whatever house in your chart contains the sign of Pisces is where you will find things increasing and expanding - so take advantage of this cycle! Use it to your benefit.

For the last year, Jupiter was in Aquarius, shaking hands with Neptune. Now, it will shake hands with Uranus, harbinger of positive change and revolution. While Uranus has been in Pisces (March 2003-May 2011), we have seen new and inventive ways of healing in our world. We now have an increase and acceptance of complimentary or alternative medicine alongside of mainstream medicine. Back in the day, this would have been unheard of, odd, crazy! Now we have accepted that accupuncture does work with many ailments, that massage therapy is helpful when people have cancer, and that Reiki offered in operating rooms speeds up the healing process. This is progress, people. With Jupiter joining and supporting this trend, I think we will see more of the same.

God Bless the mavericks that learned and implemented these many healing practices, paving a way for the rest of us - the Mari El practitioners, Reiki people, massage therapists, bodyworkers, lightworkers, and feng shui experts. Because of your work and diligence, the door is now open for others. This can only be good for the world and the humans that inhabit it.

My advice during this transit is to bloom where you are planted: start a women's support group, read to children, meditate in public, gather people together to share Reiki, approach your hospital about a volunteer group of healers to support mainstream medical offerings. The time is now; the planets are behind you.

Much love to you all,


Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year

Greetings, and happy new year to all! We have some exciting formations this week that begin the official start of 2010. The first thing to note is that Mercury, purveyor of messages and communication, begins its direct motion on January 15th. I think we can all breath a sigh of relief! I am feeling the collective as it begins to make forward motions in life, as if the pathways are suddenly clear from traffic and delays. Wonderful!

We also have an eclipse on that same day, a Solar eclipse in the sign of Capricorn, coinciding with the New Moon. The day or so prior may be felt as 'the dark night of the soul' and is very useful for self reflection and prayer. When I say prayer, I do not mean throwing out our wishes to the Universe, as if begging for something we need. I mean prayer more aligned to receiving information about what will help us grow and heal, and about how we can help contribute to the healing of the earth. Trust that if you remain in this energy, what 'you' need will naturally come along.

In general this year, I am feeling opportunities for a lot of togetherness, for sharing, for connecting more with our neighbors and blooming where we are planeted. I feel Saturn transiting through Libra as being helpful in this cycle. Because of what has happened with the economy, people have been forced to self-reflect, to ask for help, and those who see others suffering are naturally reaching out to see what they can to do help. I firmly believe that we belong to each other; any programs that reflect this motto will get the green light, as we come to know each other in different ways and let down the veils of separation.

Best wishes for a wonderous 2010. May your lives be blessed with nurturing friendships, a creative aliveness in yoru daily life, and all that your hearts desire. Namaste.