Sunday, December 5, 2010

December 2010

Hello friends,
December is a very busy month astrologically, so I am going to write more often about what is happening this month as it occurs. The energy of December tends toward social gathering, festivities, and reconnections with friends, as that is the energy of Sagittarius that is filling the air.

Today we have a new Moon in Sagittarius, so it is an excellent window of opportunity to put forth your wishes and intentions. It is good to ground these ideas onto paper before letting them go into the Universe.

After five months of retrograde motion, Uranus is moving direct in the sign of Pisces. It has had a long journey through this sign and briefly visited Aries early Spring 2010. Uranus was in a dance with another planet, Saturn, when they were opposite each other for about a two year period of time. As we are in the end stages of this planetary transit, old habits and ways may finally be dismantled. Reflect for a moment, if you will, on what you may have struggled with over the last two years and the healing that has occurred. Uranus will move into Aries in Spring 2011, bringing in a brand new seven-year cycle.

Finally, at the end of the week, Mercury goes retrograde in Sagittarius, where it remains until December 30th. Take time to double check plans and routes and directions.
To all of you, happy holidays. May this season bless you with nurturing friendships, love, prosperity, and good health.

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